Saturday , February 15 2025

Vodafone Summer Internship – Strategy Manager

Website Vodafone

Job Description:

Responsabil de strategia pe baza de clienti persoane fizice cu scopul de a atinge obiectivele legate de: indicatorul ARPU (venit mediu pe client), volumul de reinnoiri, gradul de securizare, numarul de clienti, satisfactia clientilor, penetrarea de date mobile, adoptia de smartphone, penetrarea 4 G, convergenta;

Job Responsibilities:

  • Prepares the requirements and analyzes the information about the additional needs of individual customers, their behavior and their expectations, groups this information on profiles in order to target them more efficiently (data consumption, network, applications, use of roaming services and international);
  • Coordinates the process of deleting old offers – migrating customers to other offers;
  • Builds and implements strategies to stimulate demand for additional revenue lines;
  •  Participates in the preparation of the annual budget – the budget of revenues and expenditures, the budget of investments and operational expenses;
  •  Actively participates in interdepartmental projects;
  • Collaborates with database analysis and market research departments in order to obtain information about customers so as to build efficient communication strategies and personalized offers;
  • Collaborates with segment managers, communication departments, sales channel management, database and financial analysis;
  • Responsible for drawing up the campaign plan during the client’s contractual period and after;
  •  Supervises and implements the campaign strategy for existing clients in order to increase their value during and after the contract;
  • Builds a development plan for the customer base (campaigns during and after the contract, and integration with other campaigns of product managers) in order to ensure the preservation of customer value, customer satisfaction and security;
  • Attend product launch sessions to ensure the best way to communicate new offers and promotions to the individual customer base;

Job Details:

Company: Vodafone

Vacancy Type:  Full Time

Job Location: London, England

Application Deadline: N/A

Apply Here