Website Gloucestershire County Council
Job Description:
Social Workers work alongside adult social care practitioners, managers and other professionals within a range of Locality offices, including hospital settings and a specialist learning disabilities team. Social Workers have a key role in upholding the rights of people in Gloucestershire with care and support needs. Social Workers, work in line with legislative frameworks to deliver person centred practice, in often challenging and complex situations, and take a lead role in undertaking enquires to safeguard adults with care and support needs across Gloucestershire, balancing their rights, wishes and feelings in line with statutory duties.
Job Responsibilities:
- Listen to the people of Gloucestershire, supporting them to connect to community resources, including promoting digital inclusion; recognising the opportunities and risk of new technologies, digital resources, online communications, virtual environments and social media in social work.
- Prioritise supporting people in crisis to regain control of their lives, working together to achieve effective plans to reduce risk and ensure people are more stable.
- In line with the Care Act, undertake complex social care interventions including assessments, to determine eligibility, and support plans, to ensure individuals are enabled to lead the lives they choose.
- To coordinate and manage section 42 enquiries and complex, high risk situations, utilising professional judgement throughout.
- To promote social change and development, social cohesion and the empowerment and liberation of people.
- To develop and maintain an in – depth knowledge of local resources, working collaboratively with teams and services both within and outside of Gloucestershire County Council.
- To be an active participant of your team, supporting the development of others and committed to own professional development to deliver the best quality practice for the people of Gloucestershire.
- To take responsibility for obtaining regular, effective supervision from a professional supervisor/manager and appraisal to discuss effective practice, reflection, continuing professional development and career opportunities.
- To take ownership of and responsibility for delivering against team and individual performance targets. Maintaining an awareness of own professional limitations and knowledge gaps and seeking to address these.
- To contribute to the development of the service by communicating new ideas, through means such as briefings, completion of council surveys, and team meetings.
Job Requirements:
- Working in a social worker position with adults, their families and carers, desirably in a statutory setting
- Working with people with multiple complex needs and supporting them to live their best life, in line with statutory duties
- Significant experience of undertaking assessments to form professional judgement, and of implementing plans in line with these judgements
- Undertaking assessment and planning for safeguarding
- Working with high risk situations, including safeguarding enquiries and other multi-agency risk management procedures.
- Managing fluctuating and complex workloads autonomously, seeking support where required
- Routinely and effectively applying critical reflection and analysis to increasingly complex cases and situations
- Recognise the high level of confidentiality required in relation to people, their carers and families and help to manage sufficient security of such information, recognising and being able to justify and take appropriate action when the right to privacy is over – ridden by professional or legal requirements
- A sound understanding and application of legislative frameworks underpinning adult social care, for example the Care Act, and the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and the Human Rights Act
- An understanding of statutory social work, including critical awareness of current issues and new evidence–informed practice research
- A critical knowledge of the range of theories and models for social work intervention
- An ability to communicate with compassion and authority in challenging situations, and able to understand and work effectively with negative and rejecting responses
- An ability to clearly report and record analysis and judgements
Job Details:
Company: Gloucestershire County Council
Vacancy Type: Full Time
Job Location: Cinderford, England, UK
Application Deadline: N/A